Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Blog Post #5 Lucidchart

I've always relied on PowerPoint for school and professional presentations. Last semester students took turns constructing teaching materials for a specific chapter in one of the courses I took through ISU. Most everyone including myself utilized PowerPoint as the preferred method of presenting our assigned chapter. This changed the last week of student instruction (Perfect timing!).

One of the students used Lucidchart instead of PowerPoint to share her information. I was initially very hesitant as I was unfamiliar with the technology. After the initial learning curve I felt the technology was pretty intuitive and easy to follow. I found the new technology a much more interactive tool of sharing information with others.

I am excited to be learning more than just the basics of this technology when I begin working on my Wiki. I will be learning the ins and outs of this technology using YouTube. I’ll be able to watch different videos so I can gain knowledge from different perspectives and people. Stay tuned as this will revolutionize your view of presentation methods!