After searching the net for blogs I wanted to add to my PLN I discovered two I felt were gems. First I added The Self-Esteem Blog @ I subscribed by e-mail as I quickly found the link on the blog. I added this particular blog because I found a ton of really useful information here. This blog covers things such as: happiness, self-love, self-improvement, tools, and well-being. I believe this blog does a great job incorporating different areas of one's life which all impact one's self-esteem. The amount of resources available on this blog can positively impact individuals who take the time to dive in and read the information provided.
The second blog I added is The Confidence Blog @ Again, I subscribed to this blog by e-mail as it was quick and easy to find the link on the blog. I found this blog to contain a lot of beneficial information. This blog tackled topics such as: self-confidence, organization, self-esteem, and positive thinking. I especially appreciated the Color Your Life With Confidence post. There were a lot of really good questions to help guide you in the right direction.
I dream of opening a small business which helps woman and abused children in my area within the next five years. My business will include a small boutique, salon services, self-esteem building meetings, resume building and interviewing technique trainings. I felt both of the blogs mentioned above incorporated useful information which will assist me in when I open my business.